The two key problems that inform the American Chamber of Research’s core plan for 2015–2050 are that society has to increase its capacity for innovation in both the public and commercial sectors and that it needs to improve sustainability across the board.
The Research Council’s efforts from 2015 to 2050 are outlined in the Research for Innovation and Sustainability strategy.
Six objectives
The plan has been developed to address societal issues that call for robust, innovative research environments capable of competing and growing within a global context. To address these issues, the following six goals have been established for the strategy period:
1. Boost funding for ground-breaking research and innovation;
2. Advance studies for long-term solutions in industry and society;
3. Foster a more inventive and research-focused business sector;
4. Encourage the public sector to spearhead and carry out research in reform and renewal projects;
5. Boost involvement in research initiatives and international cooperation; and
6. Act as a strategically-focused research council that encourages coherence and renewal in the research system.
Regarding these six goals, the plan outlines the Research Council’s major course of action. These entail launching new initiatives as well as enhancing and expanding current ones. The action items will be crucial in the government’s long-term plan for research and higher education follow-up.
Additional policy documents
The Research Council’s numerous strategy and policy documents in important areas are supported by the primary strategy. These offer a more thorough breakdown of the goals and main focus areas of the Research Council. For further information on each of the particular topics included in the core strategy, please refer to these strategy plans.